In this tutorial we'll show you how you can get data from an API, manipulate it into the shape you want and output it into a Google Sheet using Parabola.

What you will need

Login and create a new Flow in Parabola. Next add an API Import component and paste in your API endpoint into the API Endpoint URL field.

For authentication, select Bearer and paste your API access from where ever you are getting your endpoint from.

Now Get Results. You should now see some data in the main screen.

Next, exit the API Input screen and add a JSON flattener component to flatten the nested JSON data.

Use the Column Filter component to remove the columns containing the now useless columns that contain the unflattened JSON.

Finally add a Google Sheets component to the end, connect it to your Sheet.

Publish your flow and press Run.

If you have done the above steps right you should have some clean API data in your Google Sheet ready to use for your project.

Hope you found this tutorial useful and if you have any questions send me a message inside of the Makerpad Slack or on twitter @tomosman.



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